- It's been a long time since we wrote the last article.
- This month we'll tell you the usage of "te-form of a verb + iru"(`teiru).
- We've already referred this in another article.(Please see the article of July 1998
"Aite-iru Akete-aru")
- In that artile we told only one usage of h`te iru"but there are other usages.
- We will tell you these other usages in this article.
1.Indicating a continuing action (be `ing)
*Verbs which are used in this usage are almost transitive verbs.
- ex)Haha wa ima amimono o shite imasu.(My mother is knitting now.)

- Kanojo wa hon o yonde imasu.(She is reading a book.)
- Tanaka san wa ima hirugohan o tabete imasu. (Mr. Tanaka is eating lunch now.)
- Uchi ni kaetta toki haha wa ryoori o tsukutte imashita. (When I came home,my mother was cooking.)
*Some intransitive verbs whose subjects are animate or other intransitive verbs which express the natural phenomena.
- Kare wa heya no naka o aruki mawatte imasu.(He is walking around in the room.)
- Kireina kingyo ga suisoo no naka o oyoide imasu.(A beautiful goldfish is swimming in the aquarium.
- Kanojo wa odotte imasu.(She is dancing.)
- Soto wa ame ga futte imasu. (It is raining outside.)
- Soto wa tsuyoi kaze ga fuite imasu. (Strong wind is blowing outside.)
- Sora ni wa takusan no utsukushii hoshi ga kagayaite imasu.(Many bright stars are shining in the sky.)
2.Indicating a certain state .
---A state resulting from a certain action still remains.
*Intransitive verbs (see the article of June 1998)
ex) Mado ga aite iru.(The window is open.)
- Denki ga tuite iru .(The light is on)
Watashi no tokei wa kowarete iru.( Something is wrong with my watch.)
- Kono sakana wa mou shinde iru. ( This fish is already dead.)
- Kireina hana ga saite iru.( The beautiful flowers are out.)
- Kyoo wa yoku harete iru.(It's a fine day.)
- ex) Kanojo wa kekkon shiteimasu.(She is already married.)
- Watashi wa tokyo ni sunde imasu. ( I live in Tokyo.)
- Kanojo wa totemo komatte iru.(She is in great trouble.)
*Transitive verbs
- Kimono o kite iru hito ga watashi no haha desu.( The woman wearing kinomo is my mother).
- Kare wa san gulasu o kakete imasu.(He is wearing sunglasses.)
- Akai sukaato o haitei iru no ga watashi no ane desu.(The girl wearing a red skirt is my sister.)
- Kare wa hiroi tochi o motte imasu.(He owns a large estate.)
- Kare wa kodomo no koro o yoku oboete imasu.(He remembers his childhood well.)
- Watashi wa kare o shitte imasu. (I know him.)
- ¦Be careful the negative form of "shitte imasu" is not "shitte imasen"but "shirimasen".
So we say "watashi wa kare o shirimasen".
3.Indicating the same action is repeatedly performed or the habit.
- ex) Takusan no gakusei ga maitoshi gaikoku kara kite iru.( Many students come from foreign countries every year.)
- Watashi wa mainichi sanpo o shite iru.(I take a walk every day.)
- Kono kaisya wa iroirona kaban o tsukutte imasu.(This factory makes many kinds of bags.)
- Kiosk dewa iroirona mono o utteimasu. (They sell many kinds of things at a kiosk.)
- Mainichi kootsuu jiko de takusan no fusyousya ga dete iru.(Many people are injured or killed in traffic accidents every day.).
- Mainichi tori ni esa o yatte iru.(I feed the birds every day.)
- Kare wa maiasa hashitte iru. (He jogs every morning)
- ¦This sentence pattern also can express one's occupation.
- ex) Kanojo wa senmon gakkoo ni kayotte imasu.(She is a technical college student.)
- Chichi wa syooken gaisya ni tsutomete imasu.(My father works at the security company. )
- Haha wa kookoo de eigo o oshiete imasu. (My mother teaches English at a high school.)
4.Indicating experience.
- ex)Watashi wa mae ni kono eiga o mite iru.(I've seen this movie before.)
- Kare wa mae ni ashi no hone o otte iru. (He has broken his leg before .)
- Watashi wa nikai chuugoku o otozurete iru.(I've been to China twice.)
5.The verbs "sobieru,niru,sugureru,togaru and so on" usually require"te +iru pattern and
- they are used as adjective.
ex)Otooto wa chichi ni yoku nite iru.(My brother resembles our father in appearance.)
- Kanojo wa yasete iru. (She is slim. )
- Kono seihin wa ichiban sugurete iru. (This product is the best-made.)
- Sono enpitsu wa saki ga togatte iru.(The pencil is sharply pointed.)
- ¦Look at the following sentences.
- You may notice the same verb can express some states.
1)Jaguchi kara mizu ga potapota ochite iru.( usage 1)
- (The tap is dripping.)
- Saifu ga michi ni ochite iru.(usage 2)
- ( Someone dropped a purse on the street.)
- 2)Kanojo wa ima kyooshitsu de eigo o oshiete imasu(usage1).
- (She is teaching English in class now).
- Kanojo wa kookoo de eigo o oshiete iru.(usage3)
- ( She teaches English at high school).
- 3) Kare wa koukou no koro kara America e itte iru.( usage 2)
- ( He has been in America since he was a high school student.)
- Kare wa sankai america e itte iru.(usage 4)
- ( He has been to America three times.)
- 4)Kare wa kyonen kara nihon ni kite iru.(usage 2)
- ( He has been in Japan since last year.)
- Kare wa ichido nihon ni kite iru.(usage 4)
- (He has been to Japan once )
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