"Aite-iru Akete-aru"
- Last month we learned "jidoushi and tadoushi"which make pairs.
This month we learn the expressions using these "jidoushi and tadoushi".
From now on we call them "Pair jidoushi and tadoushi".
- "Pair jidoushi + teiru"express the present situations. They simply
state the present situations as they are. There is no concern whoever reported those
results. ( Please remember the former article.)
- "Pair tadoushi + tearu" also express the present situation. (In this case not
only pair tadoushi but intentional tadoushi.)
- They state the present situations that have been done intentionally. In other
word "Tadoushi + tearu" implies that somebody has taken action for preparation or
some purpose.
- As I expressed in the previous article "tadoushi" is preceded by a particle "o",
but in the sentence of "tadoushi +tearu" normatively preceded by a particle "ga"
or "wa" instead of a particle "o"(In some case a particle "o" is used.
- Please read the following sentences to see how tey are used.
- (a)Tonight Mr & Mrs. Yamada are expecting some guests for their wedding anniversary.
Now it's eight o'clock in the morning. Let's look at the inside of their house.
It's a little messy.These sentences below describe the present situations of their room.

- Mado ga aite-imasu.(The windows are open. )
- Air conditioner ga kiete-imasu / tsuite-imasen i(In this case we usually say "tsuite-imasen" )). (The air conditioner is off.)
- Gomi ga ochite-imasu. (There is some rubbish on the floor.)
- Isu ya honn ga kireini narannde-imasenn. (The chairs and books are not arranged neatly.)

- Oyu ga waite-imasen. ( The water is not boiled.)
- Beer ya kudamano ga reizoukoni haitte-imasenn. (The beer and fruits are not in the refrigerator .)
- Mr. Yamada said to his wife, "Let's prepare for the party in a hurry."
They were very busy cleaning their room and cooking delicious food.
- Heya o soujishite-okimasu.( They'll clean the room.)
- Mado o shimete-okimasu.(They'll close the window.)
- Air conditioner o tsukete-okimasu.(They'll turn on the air conditioner.)
- Gochisou o tsukutte-okimasu.( They'll cook delicious food.)
The idea of " Intentional verbs + teoku" is to do something so it will be ready for the future.
- Now it's six o'clock in the evening. Preparation for the party is almost finished.
These sentences below describe the present situations of their room that have been
done to welcome their guests.

- Mado ga shimete-arimasu. (The window has been closed. )
- Air conditioner ga tsukete-arimasu. ( The air conditioner has been working.)
- Isu ya hon ga kireini narabete-arimasu. (The chiars and books have been arranged neatly. )
- Gomi ga sutete-arimasu.(There has been no rubbish on the floor.)
- Heya ga kireini sojishite-arimasu. (The room has been cleaned neatly.)
- Table cloth ga hirogete-arimasu.(The table cloth has been spread on the table.)

- Oyu ga wakashite-arimasu ( The water has been boiled.)
- Beer ya kudamno ga reizoukode hiyashite-arimasu. (The beer and fruits have been kept cold in the refrigerator.)
Now you know which word is appropriate when you discribe a situation .
Please choose appropriate words (v+teiru or v+tearu, Jidoushi or Tadoushi) in the following sentences.
(1)Mr. & Mrs. Yamada's son returned home and opened refrigerator and drank beer,
- he said " A, Beer ga yoku ((hiete-ru / hiyashite-aru))
- (Oh, beer is cool). "Mrs.Yamada said to his son "Okyakusama ga kuru kara
- ((hiete-iru / hiyashite-aru )) noyo ". Party ga ((hajimeru / hajimaru ))
- made nonjadame. (We'll have guests tonight ,so I made beer cool. Don't drink it
- untill party bigins."
(2) My friend next door said to me "kinou dennki ga tsuiteitakedo rusu datta"
- (Were you out yesterday.though the light was on ?)
- I said "honto (( tsuite-ita / tsukete-atta ))? ((kesuno / kieruno )) o
- wasurecyatta.keshitearu to omottanoni." (Really. Was it on? I thought
- I turned it off.
(1)Watashi wa itsumo saifu ni 10000yen ((irete-aru / haitte-iru)).
(2)Kare no saifu o aketara 10000yen ((irete-atta / haitte-ita )).
(3)Kyoshitu no kabe ni chizu ga ((hatte-aru / hatte-iru )).
(4)Kono tape-recorder wa ((kowarete-iru / kowashite-aru )).
(5)Kare wa heya no kagi o (( kakatte-ita / kakete-atta ))node dorobou ni
- hairarenakatta.
(6)Hi ga ((tsukete-aru / tsuite-iru ))tabako ga ociteita.
(7)Mada mada "tsuyu( the rain season )" ga ((tsuzuku / tsuzukeru)) rashii.
(8)Atarashii tochi de atarashii seikatsu o ((hajimari-tai / hajime-tai))
- No1 (1) hieteru hiyashite hajimaru (2)tsuiteita kesuno
- No2 (1) iretearu (2)haitteita (3)hattearu (4)kowarete iru (5)kakete atta
- (6) tsuite-iru (7)tsuzuku (8)hajime-tai
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