"Tsui Ukkari and Omowazu"
- This month I'll take up the synonyms "tsui and ukkari"
Their nuances are a littl bit different, so in some sentences you can use them
interchangeablly, but in others you can't.
- In the Japanese English dictionary it says "tsui"means carelessly ,by mistake,
unintentionally and involuntarily, "ukkari"means carelessly , by mistake
and absent-mindedly.
- When we use "ukkari ",the action is taken through actor's carelessness,
absent-mindedness or mistake. So the actor takes the action accidentally
not repeatedly.
* e.g.
(1)Saifu o ukkari otoshite shimatta. ( I dropped my wallet but was
- unware of it.)
(2)Kakueki-teisya ni noranakereba ikenai noni ukkari kyuko ni notte shimatta.
- (I should have taken a local train, but I took
- a rapid train by mistake.)
- "ukkari" is used not only as an adverb
- but it becomes a verb "ukkarisuru".
(3)Ukkarishite taihenna machigai o shite shimatta.
- (I made a serious mistake through my
- carelessness.)
- Actually we call a person who frequently makes
- a careless mistake "ukkarimono"in Japanese.

- "Tsui"is used only as an adverb.
When we use "tsui", the action is taken through habitual or instinctive
carelessness or mistake :that is, in a certain situation we are apt to do something
unconsciously and the action is taken repeatedly.
(4)Heya ga atatakai to tsui nemukunaru. ( When the room is warm,I become
- sleepy involuntarily.)
- In addition "tsui"is used when someone unintentionally or mistakenly takes
- the opposite action of what he has been trying to do.
(5)kanojyo no ryori wa oishii node tsui tabesugite shimau. (She is such a good cook
- that I often eat too much.)
(6)Isya kara osake o yameru yoni iwareta
- noni susumerareru to tsui
- nondebshimau.(The docter told
- him not to drink alcohol and
- he tries to follow the doctor's
- advice, but when sake is served
- he drinks after all.)
- *In these sentences from (1)to(6) "tsui and ukkari"can't be replaced with each other, because each sentence has a distinctive characteristic of its own.
- There is another synonym "omowazu".
It is an adverb and is used when someone takes the action in spite of oneself,
against one's will or unconciously in a certain situation . The action occurs like
conditioned reflex in spite of oneself and it should be momentary.
Omowazu is usually used in the past tense.
(7)Kare wa sono news wo kiite omowazu nakidashita. (He bursts into tears in spite of
- himself when he heard the news. )
- Please compare the sentesces below.
- a)Ukkari himitsu o morashite shimatta.
- Tsui himitsu wo morashiteshimatta.
- b)Tsui hohoende shimau.
- Omowazu hohoende shimatta.
- c)Ukkari koppu o otoshite shimatta.
- Omowazu koppu o otoshite shimatta.
These sentences seem to have similar meanings, but the nuance of each sentence is
a little bit different. If you add the conditional clause to each sentence,
you'll see the differences more clearly.
- a') Darenimo itte wa ikenai to iwareta no o wasurete ukkari himitsu o
- morashite shimatta.(I forgot I had been told not to tell anyone,
- but I made a slip of my tongue and told the secret.)
- a') Hanashite wa ikenai to omotteita noni kanojo ga shitsukoku
- kiku node tsui himitsu o morashite shimatta. (I tried to keep
- the secret.but she asked me persistently, so I made a slip of
- my tongue and told her the secret.)
- b')Akacyan no kao o miruto tsui hohoende shimau.
- (Whenever I seea baby's face,I smile u
- nconciously.)
- b')Akacyan no kao o mite omowazu hohoende shimatta.
- (When I saa baby's face, I smiled unconciously.)
- c')Syokki o aratte irutoki ukkari koppu o otoshite
- shimatta. (WhenI was washing the dishes,
- I dropped a glass carelessly.)
- c')Bikkuri shite omowazu koppu o otoshite shimatta.
- (I was so surprised that I dropped a glass unconciously.)
NowA let's have a test. Please fill in the blanks with "tsui"or"ukkari"
or "omawase".
There may be more than one right answer for each.
- (1)Party niwa oishii mono ga takusan atta node ( ) tabesugite shimatta.
- (2)( ) saifu o wasurete kaimomo ga deki nakatta.
- (3)Kyu ni hito ga tobidashite kitanode ( )koe o ageta.
- (4)Saifu ni takusan okane ga aruto ( ) kaisugite shimau.
- (5)Isoide ita node ( ) kagi o kake wasureta.
- (6)Kanashii eiga o mite ( ) namida ga dete shimatta.
- (7)Denwa o suru no o( ) wasureta.
- Answeres:(1)tsui (2)ukkari) (3)omowazu (4)tsui (5)ukkari,tsui
- (6)omowazu (7)ukkari,tsui
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