This month's lesson is about SURU.
First, please read the sentence below.
Samuku natta kara hiitaa o tsukete heya o atatakaku shiyoo.
(As it has become cold, I'll put a heater on to make the room warm.)
Samuku naru indicates natural and non-volitional change of state as you've learned in the previous lesson "NARU".
In the contrast, Atatakaku suru indicates volitional change. In other words, the transitive verb (tadooshi) "suru" indicates that somebody "turns" something into a certain state.
Then, let's begin to study "suru" together.
1. atatakaku suru (i-adjective + suru)
- Eakon o tsukete heya o suzushiku shimasu.(I put on the air conditioner to make the room cool.)
- Zubon no take ga nagasugiru node mijikaku shita.(I shortened my pants as it was too long.)

- Satoo o oomeni irete amaku shite kudasai.(Please make my tea sweet with plenty of sugar.)
- Daidokoro o tsukaiyasuku shitai.(I want to make my kitchen better to work in.)
- Heya o kuraku shite bideo o mita.(We darkened the room and watched videos.)
- Kabe no iro o shiroppoku suru.(I make the wall whitish.)
- Kudamono o tsumetaku shite taberu.(We eat fruits chilled.)
- Kaban no nimotsu o karuku shita.(I lightened my bag.)
2. kireini suru (na-adjective + suru)
- Okyakusan ga kuru node heya o kireini shita.(I've cleaned the room as I'll have a visitor.)
- Urusakute benkyoo ga dekimasen. Shizukani shite kudasai.(It's too noisy to study. Be quiet, please.)
- Motto karada o joobuni shitai.(I want to make myself stronger.)
- Fan no seien ga watashi o genkini shite kureta.(Fans cheered me up.)

- Furui daidokoro o kaisoo shite benrini shita.(I remodeled my old kitchen for convenience.)
3. chairo ni suru (noun + suru)
- Musuko o isha ni shitai.(I want to make my son a doctor.)
- Sakana o sashimi ni shite taberu.(We eat fish raw as sashimi.)

- Saikin wa dono eki mo bariafurii ni shitearu.(Recently every station has been equipped with barrier-free devices.)
- Sono purodyuusaa ga kanojo o sutaa ni shita nowa meihaku desu.(It is clear that the producer made her a star.)
- Kondo no atarashii kaaten wa akirashii iro ni shita.(I chose a new curtain whose color is good for fall.)
4. mieru yooni suru (dictionary-form verb + suru)
mienai yooni suru (negative-form verb + suru)
- Kenkoo o kangaete kiraidatta yasai o taberu yooni shita.(To stay healthy I tried to eat vegetables which I had hated before.)
- Undoobusoku nanode mainichi ichimanpo aruku yooni shita.(Lacking exercise, I tried to walk ten thousand steps a day.)
- Kondokara gakkoo o yasumu toki wa kanarazu renraku suru yooni shite kudasai.
(From now on when you are absent from school, please be sure to contact me.)
- Motto majimeni benkyoo suru yooni shiro.(Try to study more earnestly.)
- Korekara wa tomodachi to mo narubeku nihongo de hanasu yooni suru.(From now on I try to talk in Japanese with my friends.)
- Kakoi o tsukutte shibafu ni hairenai yooni shita. (A fence built around prevented anyone from getting on the lawn.)
- Beddo ni saku o tsukete akachan ga ochinai yooni shimashita.(Making a fence around it, they prevented their baby from falling down from the bed.)
- Shoogakkoo ni hairu mae ni jibun no namae ga kakeru yooni shite kudasai.(Before entering a primary school, we hope you make your child write his name.)
- Idomizu o shoodoku shite nomeru yooni shita.(They made well-water drinkable by
- Yasai o komakaku kitte kodomo nimo taberareru yooni shita.(She chopped up vegetables in order for kids to eat.)
Now, you've learned that "suru" indicates change of states by volitional act, while "naru" indicates natural and non-volitional change of states.
Review "naru and suru" by working at the following exercises:
Exercise 1
Ex.) Kuuraa o tsukete heya o (suzushii→suzushiku)shimashita.
- Sumimasen ga ichiman en o (komakai→________ )shite kudasai.
- Katai niku o (taberareru→________ )suru niwa,dooshitara ii desu ka.
- Heya o (akarui→________ )suru tameni hana o kazarimasu.
- Tsugi no jugyoo wa (yasumi→ ________ )shimasu kara,jishuu shite kudasai.
- Pasokon ni kabaa o shite, hokori ga (hairanai→________ )shimashita.
- Nihonjin to motto (hanasu→________ )sureba,nihongo ga joozuni narudeshoo.
- Samui desukara,(atatakai→________ )shite dekakete kudasai.
- Shoogakkoo ni hairu mae ni hiragana ga(yomeru→________ )shite okimasu.
- Furui sukaato o naoshite (hakeru→ ________ )shimashita.
- Motto heya o (kirei→________ )shita hooga ii desu yo.
Exercise 2
Ex.) Kuuraa o tsukete heya o suzushiku(natta shita).
- Kodomo no se ga nobite zubon no take ga mijikaku(natte shite)shimatta.
Take o nagaku(natte shite)yaranakereba.
- Hi ga mijikaku(natta shita)node 5ji goro ni wa kuraku(naru suru).
- Sooji shite heya o kireini(natta shita)noni mata kodomo ga chirakashita.
- Akachan ga nakiyande yatto shizukani(natta shita).
- Akachan ga okinai yooni shizukani(natte shite)kudasai.
- Hada o shiroku(naru suru)kuriimu ga ureteiru sooda.
Hontoo ni hada ga shiroku(naru suru)no kashira.
- Kondo no jinji de watashi wa kachoo ni(natta shita)n desu.
- Kono mondai wa muzukashi sugiru node,motto kantan ni(natte shite)kudasai.
- Sengetsu wa chikoku ga ookatta node,kongetsu wa chikoku shinai yooni
(naroo shiyoo).
- Kono michi o hiroku(nareba sureba)hito ga anzen ni arukeru yooni
(naru suru).
Exercise 1 | Exercise 2 |
1.komakaku | 1.natte/shite |
2.taberareru yooni | 2.natta/naru |
3.akaruku | 3.shita |
4.yasumi ni | 4.natta |
5.hairanai yooni | 5.shite |
6.hanasu yooni | 6.suru/naru |
7.atatakaku | 7.natta |
8.yomeru yooni | 8.shite |
9.hakeru yooni | 9.shiyoo |
10.kireini | 10.sureba/naru |
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