Similar expressions [ beki and nakerebanaranai]
- beki (should, ought to)
- Stating duty or what is necessary.
Ikenakunattara hayameni renrakusuru bekida.
(You should inform in advance when you canft come.)
Otoshiyori niwa seki o yuzuru bekida.
(We should give a seat to an elderly person.)
Doobutsu o kattara saigo made mendoo o miru bekida.
(If you have a pet you should take care of it until its last moment.)
Daigaku ni ikitakattara motto benkyoo suru bekida.
(If you want to enter university, you should study more.)
* Negative form of beki is bekidewanai (colloquial form is bekijanai),
and it means shouldnft or must not, used to warn that an action is wrong or unwise.
(Similar meaning as tewaikenai, but tewaikenai is slightly stronger.).
When someone asks you, g watashi wa iku beki desuka(Should I come?), you donft answer
giie iku bekijaarimasen(No,you must not.), but hiie ikanaku temoiidesu, ( No,you donft
have to.)
- Stating what is desirable or onefs opinion.
Ano eega wa miru bekida to omoo.
(I recommend you should see that movie)

Nihon ni sundeiru aidani iku beki tokoro wa zenbu itta.
(During my stay in Japan I went all the places where I want to visit.)
Kodomo niwa tetsudai o saseru bekida to omoo.
(I think parents should make their children help at home.)
- nakerebanaranai (must, have to)
- It shows a legal obligation or what one must do or what is forced to do.
Kuukoo dewa pasupooto o mise nakerebanaranai
(You must show your passport at the airport.)

Kigen madeni nyuugakukin o harawa nakerebanaranai
(You have to pay an entrance fee until the deadline for payment.)
- Stating duty or what is necessary or desirable.
(Similar meanings with beki (i)but this is a stronger expression than beki.) (Colloquial form is nakyanaranai)
Ikenaku nattara hayameni renrakushi nakerebanaranai.
(You should inform in advance when you can't come.)
Otoshiyori niwa seki o yuzura nakerebanaranai.
(We should give a seat to an elderly person.)
Doobutsu o kattara saigo made mendoo o mina kerebanaranai.
(If you have a pet you should take care of it until its last moment.)
Daigaku ni ikitakattara motto benkyoosi nakya(naranai).
(If you want to enter university, you should study more.)
# In conversation we often cut "naranai", just say "nakereba" or "nakya"
## Nakerebanaranai is also used to talk to oneself.
Tesuto ga aru kara benkyooshi nakereba (naranai).
(I have a test, so I have to study .)
Kyoo wa heya o soojishi nakya(naranai).
( I have to clean my room today.)
* Which is appropriate?
- Chichi oya wa kodomo to motto
- asobubeki desu.
- asoba nakerebanaranae.
- Inu o kau toki wa kyookenbyoo no yoboochuusya o
- suru beki desu.
- shina kerebanaranai.
- Mainichi kaisya ni
- iku beki desu.
- ika nakerebanaranai.
- Gobusata shiteiru hito niwa nengajoo kurai
- dasu beki desu.
- dasa nakerebanaranai.
- Syokugo ni kusuri o
- nomu bekidesu.
- noma nakerebanaranai.
- Mudan de kaisya o
- yasun dewa ikenai.
- yasumu beki dewanai.
- Generally(i)is appropriate, but when stressing father's duty or talking to himself we say (ii).
- This is a legal duty, so(ii)is appropriate.
- One has to go to work every day, so(ii)is appropriate.
- This is not what one has to do, so(i)is appropriate
But when talking to oneself we can say(ii).
- Patient has to follow doctor's prescription, so(ii)is appropriate.
- They are similar meanings, so we say both,
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